Friday, August 8, 2008

Lester rented a crane and a man lift to put up the remaining 2 rpsl's and the ridge pole. He also used the crane to put in the top girder since they were coming out anyways.  We measured and remeasured the ridge pole support logs and the ridge pole but the center pole was a little short so Lester had to saw some off the top of the back rpsl to make everything fit in place. 
Now we will have to wait a month to get our rough sawn rafters to start on the roof. We may have to sub-contract that out because we are getting into our busy season at the shop and Lester cannot take off as much. We would like to have the cabin under roof before the snow starts falling.   

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Lester & I and our 3 youngest children were working on our cabin the first week-end in August. 
We put in our first girder - it takes a lot of time to measure and remeasure before cutting the holes, on the sides of the cabin, to put the girder in.  Once the holes are cut there is no changing your mind.  We used the telescopic forklift on the one side and pushed the log through partway, with the skid loader, on the other side. It went pretty smoothly. 
Then we decided to try and get another one of the ridge pole support logs (rpsl) in, by pulling it through the basement door, but we ran out of room. So Lester went to Williamsport to a crane service company and scheduled them  to come out next Thurs. to put up the 2 remaining rpsl's and the ridge pole.  
We decided to trim the remaining rpsl's to the correct height (hopefully). Then Lester trusted me to lift him on the telescopic fork lift so he could cut the rpsl that is up, to the correct height. I also lifted him to make the two holes for the 2nd. girder. Too bad we are finished lifting logs - I kinda enjoyed operating the lift.